Don't Roll Back And Play Dead

Oh Yes!, it's a fight. don't give up or give in too easily, for the devil is a Liar.

Promises and expectations may not be met after all efforts, and especially when you've surrendered it all to the most high. Keep fighting, don't roll over, don't play dead, it's a continuous fight till you emerge winner.

Never fall for the stunts of the loser, devil, John 10:10 makes us understand that the devil comes only to kill, to steal and to destroy. The mighty warrior, Jesus comes to give us life and life in abundance. This abundant life is only accessed after certain a level of faith in trying circumstance(s) is exhibited.

Some people get what they want easily, some have to toil so hard to obtain what they crave and the others toil so hard with zero results. Don't ever let envy set in. Stay focused, your reward is coming sooner than you expect, that's why we are unique and different from one another. It'll pay off some day, best belief. Keep thriving.

Rule no 1: Don't roll back and play dead.

Rule no 2: Fight, Fight, Fight...

I can go on with the rules. but basically, these are the most significant rules. don't ever trade that. It'll worth it and make make perfect sense in the end.

Remain Awesome.


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