2 Is A Witness.

Two(2) is a number greater than One(1). Two is a company, Two is a very significant and sensitive number. Two should never be taken for granted at any point in your thoughts, imagination or analysis.

Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together except they agree?"

The above question wasn't solely structured for couples, the above question affects every sphere of our individual lives. It's a divine question for all.

Two signifies Companionship
Two signifies Union
Two signifies Commitment
Two signifies Compatibility
Two signifies Bond
Two signifies Team-spirit
Two signifies Mutual understanding
Two signifies Partnership
Two signifies Affiliation

The list goes on and on...

When searching for who to complete and compliment you in every ramification of your being which includes; friendship, marriage, relationship, business-partnership, team-mate, etc.. We have to thread carefully and choose wisely because no man is an island and we all need each other to attain our dreams, goals and aspirations. Threading carefully entails following sequence of connection. Choosing Two should never be rushed.

When searching for our number Two, we should look for our tribe. By tribe, I mean choosing those who share a lot of characteristics in common with us.These set of people are so alike with us, they share same perspectives, innovative minds, love, determination-spirit to succeed, etc. They generally love what we love and like what we like.

When Two come together, hold hands together and agree to conquer together, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, radically nothing, that they cannot defeat. They operate within the supernatural, turn the impossible into possibilities, penetrate where humans dread, crush every obstacle, keep their eyes fixed at the trophy and eventually emerge Winners.

Number One can't do it all, Number Two was awesomely designed by the Maker to be a helper and to bear witness.

Choose wisely...

Have a great day Fam!

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