Illuminating Sparky Peter!

It'll interest you to know that Peter was a typical Sanguine. He was a talker, very sociable, easily moved by the outward emotion of others, manipulative, and possessed unique qualities that made him outstanding.

As a Sanguine;
*Peter was too engrossed in the moment. He was a 'showoff'
{Mathew 14:28} "Peter, suddenly bold, said, "Master, if it's really you, call me to you on the water."
Even with the doubts racing through his mind, he tagged along. He was in the habit of creating a scene, he literally wanted to keep-up and meet full expectation. He ended up sinking, was eventually rescued by Jesus and the rest is history. *lol

*He was a Charismatic Leader
He had unique features that made him outstanding. He was fluent with words and exhibited unrivaled boldness. Reason why God looked beyond his flaws and revealed classified heavenly secret to him when Jesus threw a sensitive question to his disciples. He was handed the keys of heaven on a platter.{Peep Mathew 16:13-19}

*He was gifted with the spirit of Revelation
{Peep Mathew 16:16} Classified heavenly information was revealed to him. God in heaven chose Peter (for some reasons best known to him), Jesus concurred but was dazed with amazement. The edgy characteristics he possessed among his peers bought him an automatic change of name from Simon to Peter. Simon is a Hebrew name which means "He God has heard" while Peter is a Greek name which means "stone" or "rock."

*He was diplomatic. He had a cleverly-smart answer to ever question (even when he tried to be manipulative)
{Mathew 17: 24-24} "When they arrived at Capernaum, the tax men came to Peter and asked, 'Does your teacher pay taxes?' Peter said, 'Of course.' But as soon as they were in the house, Jesus confronted him, 'Simon what do you think?' When a king levies taxes, who pays - his children or his subject? He answered, 'His subjects'
Jesus said, then the children get off free right? But so we don't upset them needlessly, go down to the lake, cast a hook, and pull in the first fish that bites. Open its mouth and you'll find a coin. Take it and give it to the tax men. It will be enough for both of us."
Notice his apt defensive responses to the tax men and to Jesus. Well, Jesus understood his standpoint but he still taught him how to immediately settle scourge with adversaries to avoid lingering issues.

Also, in {Mathew 18:21} where he threw a question at Jesus on how many times one should forgive. Peter had his own number in his head which he was too quick to tell Jesus. He thought he knew it all and only needed Jesus as an affirmative witness. He was thrown aback when Jesus gave him an epic response of "forgiving 7 x 70 times" instead of the number '7' which he gave.

*Overconfidence and Laziness landed Peter in the ditch.
Overconfidence and laziness are the weaknesses of a Sanguine. When it is effectively worked, only then can a sanguine be able to maximize full potentials.
{Mathew 26: 33} "Peter broke in, 'Even if everyone else falls to pieces on account of you, I won't." And like we know, he ended up denying Jesus on three account.
{Mathew 26:41} narrates how Jesus found his disciples asleep when they were supposed to be praying, He  instructed only Peter to stay awake so that he doesn't wander into temptation (the temptation of having to deny him). He ignored Jesus' call on three account (that confirmed/signified the number of times he denied Jesus which may have been averted if only he didn't yield to laziness).

*Ability to switch emotions almost immediately
{Mathew 26:29}One time, he was slitting  a soldier's ear for trying to harass Jesus and the other time, he was denying Jesus Jesus. Such emotional instability he exhibited in a Sanguine.

*Always ready to put their life in line for a friend
{Mathew 26:51} Recorded that Peter cut off the ear of one of the soldiers that tried to harass Jesus. A  Sanguine makes sacrificial moves to ensure that their friend is safe and happy not weighing the cost.

*He found it difficult to forgive self when he erred
{Mathew 27:27-56} Narrates the crucifixion of Jesus. Peter was still having a hard time with the highest level of cowardice he displayed. Reason why he wasn't present at the crucifixion of Jesus.

*He made up for past losses in a great way when he came to terms forgiving self and moving on
{Acts 2:14-21} Narrates how Peter stood up for others (he was in the habit of defending the weak) and preached the gospel with utmost audacity without an ounce of fear. A repeat of the former mistake wasn't going to be entertained at any cost. He recognized that a 'second chance' don't usually come handy and thrived to give it a hundred percent in the quest for spreading the good news worldwide.

#Today's post was painstakingly crafted for you. Trust you were enlightened. *winks

Dear Sanguine, Sparky Peter is one mentor to look up to and learn from, so that a repetition of his errs is not evidenced in your life. *Note to self as well. I'm a a Typical sanguine with a blend of Melancholy. lol

Have a Great day guys. TGIF

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  1. Petersina, Who is next. I am truly waiting for your turn!


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