The Law Of Contentment

"Where there is no control over desire, there is no control over life and destiny." (Dr. Paul Enenche)

- If you have no control over your desire, you can't control your life

- The absence of contentment is the pathway of compromise

- Contentment is the bedrock of character, character is the key to destiny

- To be content in life is to last long on earth

Ever realized why lazy people who are unbothered with life live long? They are content in their own world! *Don't be lazy though, lol.

{1 Timothy 6:68}
"But godliness with contentment (great gain), we brought nothing to the world, we are taking nothing back."

{Jeremiah 17:11}
"Get money by cunning and dubious means, in the end, you shall be confirmed a fool."

Here's the gag;
* Be satisfied with what you have and where you are and trust God to take you higher.
*Absence of contentment - Latency to compromise.
* No control over life - No control over desire.
* Absence of discipline - Doorway to disaster.
* Unprincipled achievement of success - Premature death.

I needed some mind-lifting soul food today, thought it was needful to highlight one of Dr.Paul's Laws of Life instead of doing the norm. Hope you are blessed as well?

Contentment is everything! Gehazi wasn't given a second chance to make resolution for his lack of contentment. May greed never consume us, rather, may we live in contentment, trusting God to perfect all that concerns us, Amen.

Have a "Content'' day hunnies!

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