The Month Of March : Its Numerical Significance

*I used to be a slayer. Lowkey, I still am *It's an archive selfie of me taken in year 2014

I am a huge fan of numbers and numerical significance. I have special numbers that govern my life. Even God is 'crazy' about numbers. His creation story were tied to numbers.

I'll write about Numerical Significance in the nearest future. It's an in-depth topic because of it's revelational and mind blowing composition.

Well, today I'm going to deliberate solely on the number ''3'' using myself as a case study. Yes, me.*side eyes. lol
The number ''3'' signifies The Signature of God. And interestingly, we are about ending the third month of the year graciously.

Errm... In truth, my many plans for the month didn't come out as intended. Man proposes, God disposes to expose...*I added the "To expose''.

In this third month of the year, I've seen the signature of God (stamped and sealed) in my life. God divinely orchestrated one of my heart desires to come to light. Overtime, I've realized that to emerge successful and victorious, you must use the stairs! You must go through the process, especially at the beginner phase. Shortcut, kills.
My mum used to term foundation-less successes as ''copy and paste''. She unceasingly emphasized on the dangers it accrued. I grew up with the consciousness of deliberately getting the right thing done using the right medium.

Seeds grow into plants before they become fruit bearing. They pass through their process. Anything that is healthy grows! The kind of seed you sow into the ground (foundation) matters. Good seeds produce healthy and wealthy harvest, Bad seeds produce decay and poor harvest. Don't be desperate to plant just any type of seed. The story of Cain and Abel is an eye opener.

Note that all activities revolves around numbers and the system of the world operates by numbers. e.g; Calendar, Weather Forecast, e.t.c

Here are some examples of the significance of the number ''3'';

- The Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit

- The Resurrection: Jesus arose on the third day

- The Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph

- The Human Composition: Body, Soul and Spirit

When we have the signature of God crested on us, we begin to manifest His purpose for our lives. It's not too late to legitimately obtain the signature of God and watch God in action perfect all that concerns us.

#It's safe to say that I'm gradually piling my "Tell It All Thanksgiving List" while I'm faithfully rooting for the right buttons to click just like my greatest grandpa, Abraham. *smiles

Happy Month End in advance! Make the best out of today and tomorrow! *Note to self as well

No Blogging Without You, Thank You For Visiting.


  1. Thanks for sharing this very insightful piece ��

  2. Loving this write up girl....More inspiration fall on you.


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