Smile At Life, It Smiles Right Back At You

There's this thing they say about life. Smile at it, it smiles right back at you in return. Sometimes, life may not smile after you've flashed the first, second or numerous smiles at. Smile unrelentingly until it gets tired of upsetting you. Because it will get tired eventually.

All my life (up until now), I lived in different levels of expectations. There were times I anticipated the perfect prince charming to make my fairy tale dreams come alive, other times, I anticipated an upsurge in my career aspiration.
Were my expectations met? Yes... Nearest to yes, I think. Maybe because it took a longer time to attain unlike I imagined. Later in life, I discovered the secret: Smile at life.

Anchor Scripture: {Jeremiah 29:11}
"I have plans to take care of yourself and give you a future that you planned for

Well, It takes a renewed mind to smile at life and through life's.

The moment I began to smile at life consistently amidst its pains and gains, tasteful and distasteful experiences, happy and not-so-happy moments, it swiftly brought to my bosom, all I craved per time.

Today, step out and smile at a stranger. By reflex, they'll smile back at you, before the confused "do I know you'' type of look creeps in. That's just the way life if.

I'm penning down this piece today, cos I'm a living, breathing, speaking testimony.

Smiling people are grateful people and grateful people are useful people.

#JesusBeShowingMeHisBestBehaviourLately #ThankYouJesus!


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