Don't Waste Time Proving It!

The clock is ticking and time is running out. Be a good person but don't waste time proving it!

We live in a society where people you barely know feel they can tell so much about you due to some perceptions here and there. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a society where people are so quick to write other people off due to possible misconceptions or first and second impression. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where people no longer ask questions, rather, consume themselves with paralytic analysis ending up drowning. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world full of unnecessary envy for no just cause! Be good anyway.

We live in a world where people don't  get to see the behind-the-scene work but get upset when the work begin to speak for you. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where the new generational set of men and women abuse the term friendship and feel it must end in a relationship especially when it has to do with the opposite sex. Stay on your lane and Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where people no longer uphold moral values but feel anything and everything must go because they are only being human. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where people no longer have reverence for the institution of marriage, friendship, family relationship,etc. Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where brother continually fights brother, sister against sister, nation against nation. Don't join the fight, Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world filled with the lowest level of integrity certification  otherwise known as "the kiss and tell syndrome"  Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world filled with cynics, kill-joy and "remain stagnant counselors" Be a good person anyway.

We live in a world where people no longer notice the void but the noise. Be a good person anyway.

Keep breathing, keep smiling, keep working beneath the surface like a duck, keep putting a smile on the faces of those lacking one, keep ignoring the negative, keep thriving, keep moving forward, keep becoming a better version of yourself each day, keep winning, for life is meant lived and there's no time trying to do otherwise.

*From the above mentioned, there's more and more to be done. Don't waste time proving nothing or pondering the negative, just be a good person and never waste time proving it.

Have a great day guys.

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