The Friend Zone

For me, the friend zone isn't a bad zone. Like the name implies, it means a special zone for friend(s) even though many don't like to be placed in the friend zone, reason is, they want something more especially when it has to do with the opposite sex. (Well, more can transpire but it should at least be mutual and no hard feeling should pop up when it doesn't go the way one party wants it).

A new friend should be welcomed among existing friends and never to come in between them. As a matter of fact, I love to be placed in the friend zone, too much transpire when I try to exit that zone. Reason is, I've watched genuine love switch to hate, I've watched bends turn to ends and it gets ridiculous.

Here's the thing, being in everybody's friend zone is impossible, reason why you should choose your friends wisely and never try to force it. For me, in a friendship, I want peace, inspiration, (agape)love, impact, value, growth, stability, happiness and every shade of positive vibes.

In a genuine friend zone, friends have short memory to wrongs done, it's drama-free, gossip-free, less-complicated and they talk over any pressing issue to maintain a balance. There's no drama king or queen trying to figure out any individual by carrying out shallow surveys that don't hold water because everybody becomes one and as time goes on, one can't help but fully express himself or herself.

Here, everyone has a common goal which is helping others rise, having each others back, and being the best they can be because the atmosphere is transparent and they upgrade from just being friends to becoming family.

Anchor Scripture: Proverbs 18:24
"A man of too many friends come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

Proverbs 17:17
"A friend loves all the time."

Today, lets choose the right friends and see everything work together for our good.

Have a great day guys!

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  1. One thing is to have a friend and the other is working to keep and maintain that friendship. Most people owe their lives to friendship just like King David and his friend Jonathan. To me they are the epitome of friends and the word friendship. Friend zone is friendship, I hope that's not misunderstood.

  2. @Finian,You're entirely right darling.


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