Hehe, You Don't Say! Lore Magic And Fortunetelling Can Be Learnt?

In today's post, our special characters include Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. These four young men at the time hailed from Judah but were eventually discovered among others by the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, who declared a search for Israelites who hailed from noble families that possessed health, handsomeness, intelligence, sound education, good prospects and leadership positions in order to naturalize in Babylon and be involved in their governmental affairs.

These famous four were given Babylonian names by the head of the palace staff. Daniel was named Belteshazzar, Hananiah was named Shadrach, Mishael was named Meshach, Azariah was named Abednego. *We see where the names Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego took its origin from right? winks

They were indoctrinated into the Babylonian language and the lore of magic and fortunetelling. It would interest you to know that this training lasted for three solid years. (See Daniel: 1-7).

For talents to be nurtured to full maturity, rigorous training must ensue.

Today's piece enlightens us on the possibility of  a new skill or a new trade. Daniel and the other guys learnt Babylonian language, lore magic and fortunetelling.

All this didn't come easy because they had to eat healthy(Vegetable and water) even when they were supposed to be feasting from the royal menu and train really hard. They knew what they wanted and fought so hard to acquire all of it without having to fall into temptation of no sort.

The reward for mortification and fortification of the flesh is God's rain of blessing. He gave all four of them knowledge and skill, in both books and life. In addition, Daniel was gifted in understanding all sorts of visions and dreams.

Are you training real hard or just being clumsy about it? The exemplary lives of Daniel, Hananiah, Shadrach and Azariah is definitely one to emulate.

Have a great day guys!

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