Often times, answered prayers happen in mysterious ways. As humans, we tend to have an idea or manufacture a strategy on how to solve a problem. Most times our desires come through but not the way we had intended it to fall in place. Interestingly, God’s plan always supersedes man’s plan and is beyond human comprehension, no matter how much we try to crack the puzzle. The mystery of an answered prayer cannot be explained, reason why human beings attempt to explain the workings of God but can never outline or state the process of His workings and the eventual result. Indeed, God's work pattern are shrouded in mysteries to prove that He is God, this way, no one born of a woman gets the glory! We often spend quality time engaging in prayer of supplication; earnestly praying that God comes through for us in particular area(s) of our lives but most times, we cannot deal with His majestic Modus Operandi. Our patience level is flawed and we show up with insufficient barns ...