Fun or Fornication?
When you tag fornication as mere fun, it becomes inoffensive to you. But when fornication is put in it's place; overruling it as a fun act, it becomes sin. Holistically, fun or fornication is linked with the individual's perception. The natural man of (1 Corinthians 2:14-15) terms fornication as mere fun, but the spiritual man of (Hebrews 12:4-12) who continually lives in total reverence for God and admonishes sin of every type and shadow never substitutes fun in the place of fornication. Masturbation, homosexuality, bestiality and incest taboo are abominable before God, yet incorporated by the natural man as a way of life. Anchor Scripture:{ James 2:1} MSG Translation "My dear friends, don't let public opinion influence how you live our glorious, Christ-originated faith." What you perceive, you conceive. Never deceive yourself by willfully receiving the mundane without thorough scrutiny. By taking in a daily dose of the word and adhering to it...