
Showing posts from January, 2017

It's Okay To Be Direct, But It's Not Okay To Be Too Direct

A particular lady was new in town and desperately needed to obtain pictures to cover a story for her blog post, but had no friend capable of helping her. She attended a church programme and soon spotted a young "familiar" man that seemed capable of having access to the pictures she wanted. The young man seemed approachable (she thought men were more approachable than female), hence, she walked up to him when the programme ended. After introducing herself to him, she politely asked for his complementary card. He couldn't access his, so this young lady handed hers over to him, reminding him not to fail her for she urgently needed to talk with him. The next day, he called her up. She opened up to him and he provided the solution she needed. He told her where to lift the supposed pictures from. Excited that her need was finally met. she thanked him gracefully. Later that day, the young man  chatted her up on ''WhatsApp''. The young lady  was thril...

Fake Testimony

If it happened in the church of old, expect its occurrence to skyrocket in our present age.  God frowns at fake testimonies, hence, sanctions attached to the act are upheld. Anchor Scripture: {Proverbs 19:5} "A false witness will not go unpunished and whoever pours out lies will not go free."  People take up the distasteful role of giving fake testimonies either because they are looking for cheap popularity, trying to please the preacher who "prophesied'' healing, or being cajoled by a "minister" to put up an act that'll attract increased number of gullible worshipers to his end. Fake testimonies have become the order of the day in most churches. The medium has been used to incite entertainment, publicize their ministry and keep people in bondage. Increase in fake testimonies is linked with the increased number of fake preachers.  1John 1:1- "Beloved, don't believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and exam...

Me In Christ, You In Christ, & Christ In Us

"Wherever there is a Me, there's a Christ."- Ella Hillz Denouncing stereotype, class distinction is ultimatum, for everyone you meet is a Body of Christ. Anchor Scripture: { Matthew 25:35-40} New International Version (NIV) 35  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36  I needed clothes and you clothed me,  I was sick and you looked after me,  I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37  “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?   39  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40  “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ {vs 41-46} ''Th...

The Tree Of Life

What could be have been so special about the tree of life? Do you know that Adam and Eve's disobedience wasn't the root cause of their exit from the garden of Eden? God's insecurity that Adam and Eve will eventually locate the Tree-of-Life and eat from it was the root cause. Anchor Scripture: {Genesis 3:22} "God said, "The man has become like one of us, capable of knowing everything ranging from the good to evil. What if he now should reach out and take fruit from the Tree-of-Life and eat, and live forever? Never-This cannot happen!'' Ab initio, God's intent for the creation of man wasn't to make him last on the surface of the Earth forever, He created man to entertain Him during His leisure hours. Man's lifespan had been predestined by God before their fall. Eating from the Tree of Life was capable of making man last forever, reason why God pulled the trigger by sending them off as outcasts.  Asides longevity, ever thoug...

Fix Your Exhaust System

The exhaust system is a piping used to guide the reaction of exhaust gases away from a controlled combustion inside an engine or stove. It is the bowel system of a vehicle that aids in the discharge its waste. When it is not efficiently maintained, it goes bad, puts the vehicle at risk and causes harm to others. Are we messing up the lives of others because of our own mess? It's time to fix our exhaust system. Inconveniencing others wouldn't change your status, rather, it'll create an even more tensed atmosphere. Anchor Scripture: Genesis 3:12 "Then the man said, the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate." Adam was so quick to blame Eve, even though they both received the divine instruction not to eat out of the forbidden tree. Would God had had a change of heart if he owned up for his mistake and apologized? Just maybe... Your disappointment shouldn't be a stumbling block to your neighbour's appointment, your ...

Sometimes, We Should Pray Like This...

Lord, Teach me how to fight Lord, Teach me how to run Lord, teach me how to love Lord, teach me how to expand Lord, teach me how to do exploits Lord, teach me how to make friends Lord teach me how to sustain healthy relationships Lord, teach me how to seek for bread Lord, teach me how to forgive Lord, teach me how to speak Lord, teach me how to sing a new song Lord, teach me how to renew my strength Lord, teach me how to grow Lord, teach me how to solve problems Lord, teach me how to write down the visions Lord, teach me how to dream big Lord, teach me how to work Lord, teach me how to pray Lord, teach me how to dance Lord, teach me how to be joyful Lord, teach me how to seek wisdom Lord, teach me how to be gracious Lord, teach me how to remain steadfast Lord, teach me how to be bold Lord, teach me how to exhibit strength Lord, teach me how to be patient Lord, to me how to profit Lord, teach me how to study Lord, teach me how ...

And The Greatest: LOVE

Once upon a time, there lived three beautiful coy mistresses named Faith, Hope and love. Faith was a War-goddess who fought and won all her battles, Hope was a renowned Psychologist who mastered the waiting game technique and attained all she ever craved or desired, but Love held no heroic title which made her unique, for she stood out among her peers. Love was Kind She was Patient She was Prudent She was Security She was Motivation She was Solution She was Powerful She was Passion She was Hardworking She was Impartial She was Consistent She was Terrific She was Magical She was Exhilarating She was Obedient She was Respectful She was Charitable She was Meek She was Wisdom She was Subtle She was Principled She was Divine She was Contagious She was Disciplined She was Righteous She was Admiralty She was Ambitious She was Spontaneous She was Miraculous She was Royalty She was Answer She was Detailed She was Perfection ....

Are You Walking In Holistic Obedience?

Walking in obedience is the only requirement for a next (divine orchestrated) level. It should be intentional, deliberate or planned. It is true that nothing moves until you move, but let me quickly add, nothing moves in the right dimension until you make the right moves. If God has put a vision in you, adhere to it and run with it. Could it be that your crooked path is not been made smooth amidst the many prayers because of sheer disobedience? Are you called to the Ministry, Politics, Educational Sector, Media, Fashion and Lifestyle Department but still letting it sly ? Obey that still subtle reoccurring voice in your head and just go for it! Provision is made available at your place of assignment- Dr. Mike Murdock  {Anchor Scripture: 1Samuel 15} Vs 3:“Go and attack the Amalekites! Destroy them and all their possessions. Don’t have any pity. Kill their men, women, children, and even their babies. Slaughter their cattle, sheep, camels, and donkeys.   vs 7- ...

Use The Stairs!

There's is no shortcut to success, process amounts to progress. We all know that baby steps makes giant step, but sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of alifetime. Tip toe if you want, but take consistent steps. My mum used to term herself "cut and paste" because of her not-so-grounded foundation, even though she thrived so hard to exempt I and my siblings from the chain, she never tried upgrading herself each time an opportunity came. Did it work in her favour? Yes it did! She was undeniably successful in her career path even in her insecurities. {Anchor Scripture: 1Corinthians9:24} NKJV "Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it." There is no shortcut to growth, there is no shortcut to development, and there is no shortcut to increase. Growth is eminent even though the process is silent. Also, there is no such thing as acc...