The Warning Sign

A warning sign is a signage that awakens the consciousness of a danger. Failure to adhere may result to a weighty sanction or disaster.

Anchor Scripture: {Deuteronomy 4:9}
''Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life.''

In a car dashboard display which updates or provides the driver with the appropriate information from time to time, ignoring the notification from the icons that represent the fuel gauge, temperature, maintenance, etc can lead to a crash that'll involve a lot of financial commitment to be reinstated or even an irrevocable loss of the vehicle.

The above illustration applies with relationship issues. The warning signs pop up from time to time.

The warning sign is not a disastrous signage but a sign that prevents one from a disaster if duly interrogated. If the warning sign in a relationship is ignored, it becomes monstrous overtime. But if the irreconcilable differences are reconciled in due course, then a healthy union is guaranteed.

The warning signs are ever before us. Pay attention. Act accordingly.

Have a great day Fam!

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