You Can't Be Friends With Everybody!

Becoming friends with everybody will lead you to doom. As a matter of fact, the Holy Scripture warns about its dangers. Be good all want, faultfinders (under the umbrella of friends or fans) will never fail to disappoint. They are readily prepared, scouting for the next victim to take down. Be warned! Too many friends are tons of distraction. No one ever made it to the top with too many friends. The path to success is very lonely. Growth is silent too. Paul in his 1st letter to Corinthians, warns about the dangers of feeling at home with the sexually promiscuous, ill-tempered, fraudsters etc, and getting along with them. To live aright with God, there are some friends you can't tag along with, even though it is advised that you should try to talk friends (who indulge in negative activities) out of their shady ways into the way that brings light. Be wise in your dealings and know when to push the "STOP" button. The quality of friends you keep, either makes you ...