LOVE (Part II)

      If He loves you, You'll know!

It's okay to love Him, but when He loves you, "fogerrit!" You are on a whole different level of iMax.

How well does He love you? Can He go the extra-mile of weeping on your behalf or "snitching" (confiding) in you? Take a deep breath and examine if He truly loves you in a different kind of way.

*Peep John Chapter 11 for the rundown of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and what transpired before and after the event.

Interestingly, John 11:35 categorically states that Jesus wept over the death of Lazarus. Reason was; He loved Lazarus too much!

Below are some proofs to back up the above statement of how Jesus loved Lazarus.

-John 11:3 "So his sisters sent word to Jesus, Master, the one you love so very much is sick."

-John 11:5 "Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus

Moving on to the special case of John the Apostle a.k.a "John the beloved" who bragged about the fact that Jesus loved him dearly far more than the other disciples and was entirely right about it, we'll understand that when Jesus loves one the way He loved John, He'll "snitch" (reveal solely to you) confidential information.

-John 13:23 "One of the disciples, the one Jesus loved dearly, was reclining against Him, his head on His shoulder." (Lool, John robbed it on the face of others that he was Jesus' favourite and pet). Well, he(John) did all of the P.D.A(public display of affection) to obtain a "hot topic gist" from Jesus and it worked for him. *Figure out which technique works better for you while trying to obtain a confidential detail from the one who loves you unconditionally.

-John 13:25 "So being the closest, he said, Master who? (This was in respect to the statement made by Jesus on how one of them feasting on the table with Him will betray Him).

-John 13:26 In confidence, Jesus gave him (John) an epic clue, "The one to whom I give this crust of bread after I've dipped it." (Wow! Too much love). Notice how Jesus was smart enough not to engage in any name calling? Be diplomatic like Jesus!

John unlike Peter bragged about the fact that Jesus loved him dearly, while Peter who was too concerned about displaying His love for God and acting accordingly ended up denying Him.

Today, love God in the best way ever without being overly dramatic about it or trying to prove the stance to others. This way, God's love for you will be glaring to all and filled with many revelations.

How intense does He love you? Can He weep on your behalf or can He "snitch" confidential revelations to you? *Food for thought right?

Have a LOVEly day!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Too much reading from Patheos might have caused this. Now I see where you got this love that made you envy John of which the best thing you can do is to ask the author behind the writer(s) of John!

    Anyway I bet you cannot compete or compare with me the way my brother of love "snitches" on me. For I didn't feel the closeness in your article. Come, let me show you a few secrets of how it is working for me!

  3. lool. Anthony, you're high on something. Hahahah


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