How To Live
How to live entirely subscribes the "Law of Vision." The law of vision entails the following; - Don't let life choose for you - Live decisively - Live deliberately - Live passionately - Live profitably Vision lacks life until it's put on paper. Habakkuk 2:1-2 "What cannot be defined cannot be discovered, write the vision, make it plain." * Read your vision or goal continuously, consistently; possibly daily * Give it a date * Do something daily about the vision or goal * Connect your life's purpose and vision frequently * Deliberately associate with people of vision and disconnect with vision-less people (Association determines acceleration) * Commit the actualization of vision into God's hands Vision is key to life, therefore vision determines our future, it gives us every reason to visualize; to see the ultimate is to survive the immediate. How far we can see determines how far we can reach. People start dying when they ...